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摘要:中国是世界上茶叶种植面积大、茶树品种丰富,茶叶种类齐全的国家,这为中国进行国际茶叶出口贸易提供了坚实的基础和广阔的空间。可目前,中国茶叶出口量不升反降;出口仅以绿茶为主。红茶、茉莉茶、普洱茶及特种茶的出口量相对较少,茶叶出口的价格持续下降等问题皆使得中国茶叶出口的形势不容乐观。经分析可见:制约中国茶叶出口的主要因素有: “绿色壁垒”的制约;茶叶生产企业规模小,缺少世界知名品牌;中国茶叶的产业结构不合理,管理失控,经营秩序混乱。本文通过对中国茶叶出口现状进行分析,找出制约中国茶叶出口增长的影响因素,并提出发展中国茶叶出口贸易的几点建议和对策,即:提高茶叶从业人员的素质;制定与国际接轨的标准,打造茶叶生产企业的“航母”,强化国际营销的方式等等。旨在为中国茶叶更好地发展,走向世界提供理论依据并希望能对实践起到指导作用。
关键词: 茶叶出口;质量; 现状; 对策
Problems In China's Tea Exports And Strategy
Abstract:China is the world's largest tea growing area which for the international tea exports to China to provide a solid foundation and broad space.
In advance of global agricultural trade liberalization process, the Chinese tea export trade is also becoming increasingly apparent dilemma. The main constraints come from national and international levels. From the domestic factor, lack of innovation in China tea, weak market competition. Lack of pesticide residue limits, tea production enterprises can not provide technical reference for the supervision of the tea production has no basis. Meanwhile, China's pesticide varieties update faster, but the standard update rate lag, making the standard out of line with actual production, exports of tea in pesticides often appears excessive and adversely affect tea exports smoothly.
And from the international factor, China's accession to the WTO, the major tea importing countries export frequently technical barriers blocking and anti-dumping charges. Tea exports face international market is not optimistic. Through strategic development and industrial development of China's tea export enterprises can proactively adapt to changes in the international market, purchasing patterns, and improving their competitiveness and expand exports of tea.
Key Words:Tea exports; Quality ;Status quo; Countermeasure